The path of protests … the probable security and political risks …? (Analytic Article)

It’s expected that the protests will witness, in the upcoming days, dangerous events as an attempt to ruin them and confiscate their national voice, diverting them from the area of peaceful protesting on the services regression to the field of political conflict and strengthening personal accounts. We believe that the probable scenario is the joining of groups – hired with political money – to the protests with a mission to provoke protestors through conflicted slogans and lure them into clashes and fights that gradually escalate reaching pre-planned confrontations with the security devices assigned with protection, aiming to convert the whole thing into a hard-to-control chaos.

Their goals:

  1. Exhausting the security devices and distracting them from the struggle against ISIS.
  2. Putting more political and security pressure on the government to obstruct the correction plans.
  3. Mixing the cards and raising tension and stress in the streets.
  4. Deforming the spontaneous democratic face of the demonstrations.

Possibilities and solutions

Science the war on corruption and the corrupt has begun, then surely the battle will not be from one side and that the whales of corruption and the affected ones from the correction procedures will not stop, as they are masters in the art of political deception and conspiring, and thrives on crisis and conflict. Then it is expected that the counter reaction will come through ruining protests, diverting them away from their path and goals, and lighting up riots in its public squares. This situation foretells of a critical crisis threatening the security, stability, and unity of the inner front, which will surely reflect with regression onto the warriors’ spirits and the battles path in the war fronts. And so, the leaders and participants of the protests stand today in front of precise patriotic choices that require everyone to review the situation and make bold decisions that suit the level of the challenges and risks facing the country, especially after the rise of odd voices from inside and outside of Iraq that fourthly claim that they lead this public movement. And probably the most suitable wise and available solution in the mean time is (Suspending the protests), and that will achieve the following:

  1. Making the ones stalking protests miss their chance, and cut the road on any attempts of using them politically.
  2. Allowing some space for the government to move forward with its full correction procedures, and giving it enough time to achieve the needed results.
  3. Preserving the security, stability, and unity of the inner front.
  4. Devoting security efforts towards facing the real dangers threatening Iraq, without keeping the military equipments and security devices busy with secondary emergency missions.

The protests massage has reached the government, the Parliament, and all politicians, and according to it important correcting actions were decided, which are still rising to eliminate corruption and its associates and reasons. It’s of national interest that we support the revolution of correction responding to the protestors’ demands and speaking for the people’s will and their legitimate expectations.

Today the Iraqis – with their patience, awareness, and carefulness – open a new door for hope that was until recent time shut tight. And they carefully watch who pushes the country’s wheel to the edge of doom by risking and gambling with the fate and future of the country, and that is a restricted red line that they will not allow anybody to cross.

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